The competition categories are:
A. Poster for Climate Change
B. Poster for Child
C. Poster for Ocean Protection
D. Poster for Education
E. Poster for Water
Submit and Technical Requirements:
Poster must submit to email address info@posterfor.com
Email’s details must include: name, age, gender, country, email.
The number of submissions is unlimited.
All files and emails should be filled with Latin letters only.
Submitted posters should be vertical format of jpg or pdf, and sized 70 x 100 cm in 300 dpi. Maximum size of file is 20MB. The color mode must be CMYK.
The competition categories are:
A. Poster for Climate Change
B. Poster for Child
C. Poster for Ocean Protection
D. Poster for Education
E. Poster for Water
Submit and Technical Requirements:
Poster must submit to email address info@posterfor.com
Email’s details must include: name, age, gender, country, email.
The number of submissions is unlimited.
All files and emails should be filled with Latin letters only.
Submitted posters should be vertical format of jpg or pdf, and sized 70 x 100 cm in 300 dpi. Maximum size of file is 20MB. The color mode must be CMYK.
Awards and Certificate:
The golden winner in each category will be awarded with a trophy. All awarded designers will receive an Award Certificate via email.
Awards and Certificate:
The golden winner in each category will be awarded with a trophy. All awarded designers will receive an Award Certificate via email.

Season 2 closed at March 20th

What are you designing posters for?
Are you creating them to address global issues such as environmental protection, education, water safety, or other significant concerns? Perhaps your posters are aimed at promoting social awareness or advertising commercial products? What role does poster design play, and what challenges do designers face?
In the current era, as the world grapples with pressing issues that have garnered widespread attention and sparked intense debates, the realm of poster design has acquired an increasingly profound impact on effecting change and is poised to become even more potent in the future.
The Poster for project serves as a resounding call to action—express your stance through poster design and make the world aware of your chosen cause.
Designers and artists from across the globe are encouraged to participate.
We are pleased to announce the introduction of Category G: Drawing/Art Posters.

Awards, Certificates, and more than 3 Times Square Exhibitions:
More than 200 awarded and selected designers will receive an Award Certificates via email.
There will be at least three exhibitions held in Times Square on the billboard. Every selected entrant can participate for at least once. In partnership with other organizations, we will also host exhibitions in China. Previous exhibitions have been held in cities such as New York City, Beijing, Qingdao, King of Prussia, and Dalian.
Permanently showcased in the PosterFor's website and exhibition show record, your work will gain significant visibility and recognition. Our platform ensures that your designs reach a global audience, providing a lasting impact and continuous exposure.

The primary competition:
A. Poster for Climate
The secondary competitions:
B. Poster for Art Healing
C. Poster for Food
D. Poster for Future
E. Poster for Culture (Art, Music, Literature, History, etc.)
F. Poster for 17 UN SDGs Topics*
G. Drawing/Art (Hand-drawn Poster Topics category A/B/C/D/E/F. Digital drawing is not preferred. Age under 19)
*The 17 SDGs are: No poverty; Zero hunger; Good health and well-being; Quality education; Gender equality; Clean water and sanitation; Affordable and clean energy; Decent work and economic growth; Industry, innovation and infrastructure; Reduced inequalities; Sustainable cities and communities; Responsible consumption and production; Climate action; Life below water; Life on land; Peace, justice, and strong institutions; and Partnerships for the goals.
Download the details of the categories:

Send an email to info@posterfor.com. (In English or 中文). Use "Poster Submission" as the subject line of the email.
Fill out the PDF form below and attach it to the email.
Make the necessary payment for your submission. Category A/B/C/D/E/F: $40 per submission. Category G: $30 per submission.
Name your files using the following format: YourName_PosterName_A/B/C/D/E/F/G.
For categories A/B/C/D/E/F, the submitted posters should be in vertical format, either JPG or PDF, with a size 700 x 1000 px (vertical), RGB, 72 dpi, JPG. The maximum file size allowed is 10MB.
Category E has a different size requirement. Due to the limitations of hand-drawn posters, resize your submission to either vertical in A4 size (210mm x 297mm) or Letter size (8.5 inches by 11 inches) at 72 dpi and submit scanned copies.
*Download the submission form:

Submissions can be sent by email: info@posterfor.com
The deadline for Season 1 submission is closed at December 10th. The Season 2 is closed at March 20th.
The results of the competition will be announced on our website and social media.
December 10th
Season 1 submission closed at December 10th. Jury start to work.

January 2025
Announcement of final-list and top winners of season 1.
Start from January 2025, there will be three exhibitions held in Times Square on the billboard, New York City, USA.

March 20th
Season 2 submission closed at March 20th 2025
April 2025-
More events coming.
Selected designers in Category A/B/C/D/E/F are required to send a file with the following specifications to info@posterfor.com: 300 dpi resolution, size of 70 cm x 100 cm, and color mode CMYK.
For Category G, selected designers need to send a file to info@posterfor.com A4 size (210mm x 297mm) or Letter size (8.5 inches by 11 inches) at 300 dpi. Scanned copies are to be submitted.
Once selected, designers will receive an email detailing the next steps in the process.